Life, sometimes, can be frustrating. One moment you are rejoicing and the next, you are confused, sad, angry or even tired of living.

Lately, I felt this way. One moment I am bubbling with joy and hope, the next moment I don’t even know where my faith is (regardless of the fact, that my name is even faith….lol). I’m sure I am not the only one who has gone through moment that makes one ask’ “Where is God?” “Does God hears me?” or “Does He exist?”

Truth is, He does and He is present in every season of our lives. We only need to work on our FAITH!

Faith as the Bible says is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). As Christians we ought to live by Faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). So, imagine not having the one ingredient, needed in our lives for the good we hope for to happen and yet blaming God for our situation. It is just like having the medicine to cure disease and not using it!

So, here are three antidotes I have explored and have helped me with keeping my faith firm when doubts hit:

1. Activate your Faith with Gospel music: Music are like a catalyst, they help activate your mood quickly. That is why music is a necessity in events, cause host wants their audience and atmosphere to feel alive. The way hip-hop is played at parties, and R&B at proposals is the same way your faith needs music of the spirit. Remember, You are what you listen to!

2. Study God’s word: God’s word is a lamp for our feet, and light on our path (Psalm 119:105). God’s word is our GPS, you can’t go through life successfully without it! Have you ever experienced a time when you open your Bible and there lies a passage talking directly to the situation you are in? Well, I have.

I remember a few years ago, I was battling with unforgiveness and every moment I opened the Bible during that period, there lies a word for me to forgive. Though it wasn’t easy, I did! Also, I have experienced moments when I am bothered as to what to do about a situation and a single passage from the Bible redirects me. Trust me when I say, when you experience moments like this, it’s inevitable for you not to believe in God.

3. Pray without ceasing: Yes, prayer is a communication between man and God, but I love to say, prayer is the only dangerous sign the devil fears. So, when the devil is attacking your Faith by filling your heart with doubt, he is actually after your prayer life. He is aware that when your faith is charged, you can speak just one word concerning a situation and things will change, how about when you choose to pray with that Faith? Definitely, mountains will crumble!  

Never stop praying! In the good time, pray, and in the bad times, let not your voice of prayers be mute. Put the enemy to shame concerning your life and that of your loved ones and when you do not feel like praying, praise! Both works together as a team.

I hope this antidotes comes in handy, whenever you are in doubt. 

PS: Thank you for reading through, please look out for my next blogs and do not forget to share, and comment.



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