Navigating A New Phase (Master’s Diary 2)

I moved into the UK two weeks after receiving my visa and of course, being my first time away from home, I had a lot of adapting to do. Adjusting to the weather, and the system, and making new friends has been a lot. 

Thanks to my family here in the UK, who helped me figure out my way when I moved in. My big mummy in London came through with preparing different delicacies and getting me foodstuffs that lasted me about a  month. Big Daddy and my friend Bukky picked me up at the airport. Also, Bukky got me to school and ensured I had all the basic things I needed before going back to London, which was the perfect start for me.

Trust me when I say, “If you don’t have anything, surround yourself with the right people and you will have all you need.” Honestly, my process to the UK taught me this. It went well due to the people I have around me.

Finally, school resumed with registration and orientation for the new year. This is the first time in my life, I can publicly profess that I experienced an organized, easy, and stressless educational system. In fact, I was super amazed and glad I left for a country where the system is organized and actually works.

One major issue I definitely had when I moved in, was time. There is no difference between morning and afternoon here. So, I found myself saying “good morning” every time, until one day a man had to pull out his phone to correct me about the time (lol😂😂).

Also, I got to make new friends; Blessing, Favour, Nire, Ezinne, Tahsin, Kiran, and Rachel (just to mention a few). The amazing thing about making new friends here is the amount of information you get to hear from them, that you probably did not know. For instance, because I did not know a lot of places when I came in, I had to order the home appliance I needed. Annoyingly, a few appliances I got did not last and it was not until I made friends that I found out stores where I could get good, and affordable appliances.

Another thing that has helped me is; finding a church with a community of like minds. So, I go to a church made up of mostly black immigrants. Hence, most of their program is tailored to providing ample information and resources needed by new immigrants to settle well.

Although, I am still navigating my way through my new phase; I am grateful God has been seeing me through as to my fears before moving in. I look back on the last two months and it’s been beyond my expectations. Honestly, Isaiah 43:19 remains my watchword and has been evident throughout this season for me. When God says a thing, He proves it with His full chest! 

I know this is just the beginning of many amazing memories and experiences for me, and I look forward to sharing these experiences with you in my master’s diary. So, stick with me on this new series of blogs.

That said, I have got a new video up on YouTube on the culture I have faced in the UK. Click the video below to watch now, and please like, share, and subscribe. 

Your girl is aiming for at least 100 subscribers on or before her birthday by 7th December. You all better come through for me!!!😉



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