The Art of Brand Storytelling; How to Curate the best stories that convert

Is it just me who has realised the increase of storytelling on social media?

I mean if you scroll through 10 post on Instagram, you would at least realise that 4 to 5 post are videos of people telling you story about something in form of sit down videos or the popular Get Ready With Me (GWRM) videos, or an advert.

Have you ever wondered why? If not, let me tell you.

Story Telling captures the mind of your audience from the onset.

I mean who doesn’t like “amebo” aka gist? Even when we pretend to be too busy for side talks, we all love to know and hear what’s going on in the lives of people even we know it’s not true (lol).

This is why every business owner needs to be able promote their brand through story telling but this time around “Brand storytelling,” cause you are not just telling a story to entertain your viewers, you are telling a story that coverts them to consumers. Which of course is the purpose of your branding and marketing.

I know, you are probably saying “Faith, but I am not good at telling a stories, how do you I convert my customers with storytelling?”

Well, that not hard! You are the very reason I am writing this blog.

Unlike, what many have told about storytelling. Oh it has to have a beginning, middle and ending. Or it must have character, conflicts and goals. Mehn, leave all that for the actors and actresses or probably scriptwriters.

As a startup business owner, here are three things to have in mind that will help you curate the best stories that sells your products/services;

When Creating A Story, Have a Purpose/ Goal In Mind

For instance, I saw a video by one of my favourite content creator- Erinondemand.

She was showing us the evolution of her workspace in the last few years of her career but the goal of that video was to tell us that going back to the beginning is okay for business owners as to the upward stratosphere we always envision as business owners, and that video had 182K reach, which is one of her high ranking videos on her Instagram page.

Having a goal for your story, helps you figure out what pattern you’re gonna go through. Not every time you start out your brand storytelling with creating a problem and ending it with a solution that makes your brand the hero.

Sometimes, you need to go the Erinondemand method, create a storyline in the mind of your audience and gives them a shocking ending and teaches them a moral. That way, you not only get them amazed but achieve your goals of teaching them something that gets your brand stuck on their minds.

Ensure Your Story Aligns With Your Audience

One major thing to know as a business owner is to know the category of people who would patronise your business. This is why a strategy document is the first thing to have done before starting out a business.

It entails the persona of your audience and lets you know the status of the people who are likely to buy from you. That way, whatever you are putting out as a brand is directly reaching out to these people who are known as your audience.

When you are creating a story, your audience is priority. Whatever elements you are probably infusing in your storytelling needs to depicts the lifestyle and decision of the people you are selling to.

For instance, you might have seen the adverts of “Glo Yakata,” on any channel like CNN or wherever. I clearly remember the one where they showed a market woman selling meat and she was on the phone all through till the everyone else had closed and all her customers had left.

It was a very funny adverts but then they achieved a goal with such simple story of a market woman being on the phone for long hours without spending so much on airtime. That way their typical audience, who are business owners know that they are the best sim products to use, if they want to be able to reach more clients without spending too much. You see?!

This is why it is important to know who your typical audience are, and create stories that aligns with them.

Don’t Say The Importance of Your Products or Services, Show It!

Ever since I started using apple products, there’s no going back for me but at this point I might as well just be tempted to use Samsung.

Why? Well, of all android adverts I have seen on the internet Samsung got me sold!

When you see a Samsung adverts, it’s going to show how the products is being used by the influencer and how effective it is. Unlike other brands where their influencers are just mentioning the features of the phone and telling us it’s benefit.

Telling your audience the benefits of your products or services is not enough, showing them goes a long way.

Another example to consider is the new “X-pression water resistant extension” adverts. One of their advert showed two ladies who went to the salon to get their braids done. One of the ladies used this new products and the other lady used the other products.

At the end of the ads, they showed us the difference between both braids and one of the benefits I picked from that ads was that I wouldn’t have to waits for minutes for the tip of my braids to get dried before leaving the salon, cause I don’t want the back of my clothes to get wet.

That got their product stuck on my mind and I am definitely using next when I want to get braids done that involves me seeping the tip of my braids into warm water for a fine finishing.

So, what story can you tell your audience that captures their mind, teaches them a moral and shows them your brand is the solution they need?

This is definitely what you need to think of when creating a brand story!

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