Hi guys, welcome back to my blogs!

It’s been a while since I last wrote here and that’s all because I was so busy learning to build my website from scratch and getting acquainted with my new work life, but now that I am finally getting settled, I am back with writing you guys amazing content. 

Also, I started my YouTube channel after 5 years of imposter syndrome from when I actually started creating content. Catch up on the gist in my first video.

So, In continuation of my very first blog on how to get your desired job, I am here to give you all an update on how I actually got found by the right employer.

Honestly, I must admit that “it is much easier and sweeter getting found by your dream job than sending out CVs and having to always pitch yourself to prospective HR and CEOs.” I am not saying that doesn’t work, in fact, when I did I was lucky enough to get responses from a few HR even though they had filled in the position internally.

But here is how I got a new job, though a low-hanging fruit to the jobs I was applying and pitching for;

Keep Upskilling

Regardless of how jobless I was, it didn’t stop me from upskilling. Come to think of it, if I hadn’t taken the “Remote boot camp” by Temi Oyewole, I would not have known what I was doing wrong and how to re-strategize my job search. More importantly, most of the skills I currently need in my new job I learned during the course of my job search.

So, while you look out for new jobs, look out more for opportunities to learn and become better. That way you are prepared in advance for the new job you are looking out for. You might not have the money to pay for courses, but there are a lot of free apps and websites you can take courses on like Linkedin learning, etc.

Take Your Personal Branding Seriously 

Honestly, I wished I knew this earlier. I probably wouldn’t have waited for so long to be found, cause I remember my first meeting with my boss, when he said: I went through your page and I knew you were the right person for the job.

Now I know how effective personal branding works, I would not keep shut until it enters a job seeker’s “coconut head”. In fact, I created a video for you guys on how to create your personal brand in 2023, make sure you watch it oooo!!!

Your personal branding goes a long way in putting you in front of those who are ready to pay for your skills, but if you do not have personal branding and you keep applying and pitching, even if they need you, how do you prove to them you are worthy of the job or contract? This is why you should not joke with your personal brand this year.

Build Network

The actual gist is, I was at a program when I got a text from a friend who connected me with my boss, and without stressing much I got the job. 

Even before that, I was opportune to get a few jobs though below expectations but from people I had networked with, and then we got to connect on social media and cause I was being consistent with my personal brand these people reached out to me with these opportunities.

Networking saves you from the stress of sending out CVs, waiting, praying, hoping and even getting discouraged along the way. When you network with the right people they even save you the stress of looking out for jobs.

Join a Community

One thing I enjoyed about the remote boot camp was the community, cause it felt good just having a group of people even more experienced, being in the same shoes as me and learning from them.

As James Clear said in his book “Atomic habit.” “ It is friendship and community that embeds a new identity and help behaviors last over a long run.” Meaning, if you want to achieve something or create an habit, get a group of like-minded people like you and see how fast you achieve or create that habits. 

So, if you are looking for remote jobs, get into a community of people looking for remote jobs like you. If you want to change your career, be amongst people already threading that career path. This is one way to achieve your goals faster than you imagine. 

Trust God With The Process

Lol, you think I was gonna keep blabbing about my strength and skills? Hell no!

“Omo, na baba God all the way ooo,” cause finding a job is not an easy task. I remember how tired I got at some point sending out CVs and all. It definitely was discouraging I almost gave up, but then every day I kept thanking God, cause I know He was gonna come through for me when it was time. When He did, He did it in an unexpected way. 

So guys, here is my update on how I got a new job after I worked on my job search strategy. Just in case, you have not read the blog I wrote on job search strategy, click here to read it now.

Lastly, I launched my first ebook “How To Launch A Successful Online Brand,” for entrepreneurs, start-up businesses, and content creators. You can download it for free here.

Thank you for reading through. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment and also, sign up for more updates and exclusive offers from me ❤️.



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