After having an awesome Christmas holiday, 2024 started well but not with the usual “New Year, New Me” vibe. 

January felt like an extension of December to me. While everyone on the internet seemed to be clamoring about the need for New Year resolutions and how to be consistent with your New Year resolutions,  I was thinking of how to complete a total of 16,000+ words and 4 coursework before deadlines. 

Thankfully, I completed my coursework and had time to think about the “New Year, New Me” concept, and for the first time, I could not feel the need for a new me to exist because it was a new year. I mean, who came up with this concept? 

Let’s think about this together, why do you need to become a new you because the calendar year changed? This question answers why many of us made New Year’s resolutions on 1st January 2024 and forgot about them in March. Sometimes, we abandon old goals we have not achieved for new ones due to this mindset. So, instead of being a “new me in a new year,” I chose to be “a better me, in a new year.” 

To do this, I set out to learn from someone I know is a goal-getter. I did this because setting goals was not my problem, but being consistent and achieving those goals. Thankfully, I purchased a vision board session with Temilade Salami last year but never had the time to watch it.

So, before planning my goals I searched through my Google drive for the video, and I had an amazing two hours learning how to plan my goals for the year. It was a moment of unlearning, learning, and relearning. 

One major lesson for me was that goals are not limited to just career, finance, or academics but should also include your health, relationships, spiritual growth, and even the little habits you need to cultivate to grow professionally.

It was a moment of realization that the graphics I had been creating on Canva as vision boards, were just aesthetic wallpapers. Anyway, that got me thinking of what exactly I wanted to achieve this year and I realized I needed to learn the habit of “CONSISTENCY.” 

After the vision board session, I listed my long-term goals and I thought of what I needed to be consistent with. For instance, I want to be financially stable and independent. This means I need to start investing. Of course, I am not making enough at the moment but I remember my mum saying to me as a little girl,  “A little drop of water makes a mighty ocean.” So, to have more than enough tomorrow, I need to start investing with the little I have right now. This goes for every other aspect of my goals. From spiritual to personal, and professional goals. 

Like me, you need to stop thinking of the “big end goals,” like wanting to be a billionaire, having 1 million YouTube subscribers, etc. Instead, start seeing those little things you should do daily, monthly, or quarterly to achieve your long-term goals, as your main goal. In conclusion, stop being a “New Me” every year. Instead, be a “Better me.” 

Thank you for reading my blog. Please like, share, and comment below if you learned something new. Also, you can connect with me on Instagram, Linkedin, or email admin@gbolajesuamusa.com for collaboration.



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