5 Major Lessons I Am Learning & Practicing In My Early 20’s (MASTER’S DIARY 3)

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my master’s diary. 

Well, it is my birthday month and in this blog, I will be sharing with you 5 lessons I have  learned and I am practicing in my early 20’s. 

Get yourself a snack and probably put on your favorite music (if you listen to music while reading, like me),because I am about to share with you the best lessons you will be grateful for in the long run.

  1. Dream big, God will fund it: First time I heard these words were from Temilade Salami and they have stuck with me ever since then. I remember clocking 20 like it was yesterday, and there were a lot of things I wrote in my diary that I wanted for my 20’s  but doubted I would achieve. Hearing these words gave me confidence, and I am glad to say I am gradually ticking them off with GOD BEING MY SPONSOR.
  1. Life isn’t a race, live it: Can I be candid with you all? I am very insecure. I doubt myself and compare myself a lot since my teenage years. Thankfully, this is something I am currently working on by embracing who I am and the life I live. It is okay, if I don’t have it all. I don’t care who’s got it all, who is better, ahead or even more beautiful. This is the life I am made to live and would live it happily everyday.
  1. Gratitude: One habit I started at 21, is owning a gratitude journal. Everyday I write in it whatever I am grateful for the previous day. After the first year of doing this, I went through my journal and realized how much I have grown and how good God has always been to me even when it seems nothing’s happening in my life. Ever since then, gratitude has been and will always be a part of me.
  1. Patience is the best virtue: As a Gen Z, one virtue we own is always being in a hurry to be successful, but understanding that “God’s timing is the best” is a virtue everyone should have. I remember when I actually planned on doing my master’s and it didn’t work out, a lot of my friends were moving out of the country to study abroad and to make it worse, every time I went on social media, all I saw was people moving out. Did I get discouraged? No. Instead,  I rejoiced with them believing my time will come and everything is going to workout with ease. My time definitely came, and God made it easy. Plus, I look back and thank God for the delay, because there is a lot I gained career wise from that one year of delay.
  2. Put God First: This sounds cliche, but putting God first in all you do is something you can never go wrong with. I will be honest, this is something I am still consciously trying to practice in everything I do, but sometimes I have this bad habit of just going on with what my heart desires before putting it into God’s hands (God have mercy 😅). Well, I can testify that every time I let God lead; even in the littlest things possible, it has always yielded the best results.

Here are my five, simple but very important lessons that are making my 20’s fun to live. Definitely, looking forward to many amazing years and experiences ahead but in the meanwhile I will keep living, loving myself, and being grateful for the life I live. 

PS: Although I turned a new year on December 7, feel free to wish me a happy birthday and send me gifts, cause it is still my birthday month. Also, let me know in the comment what lessons you are happy to have learnt.



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